Acts29 Vision Village &
Jeju Acts29 Training Center
We educate and train human missionary resources to fulfill the commandment of Jesus as the Bible says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age (Matthew 28:19-20).”
We train missionaries so they risk their lives for missions according to the vision of Acts29.
We train missionaries so they value worship, God’s word and healthy communities before everything.
We train missionaries so they lead the time and culture with servant leadership.
We train missionaries so they live in harmony with different nationals and generations.
Training Courses
A. Training course for applicants for short-term missions
We call this specific course short-term missionary training, or Turning-Point (TP in short).
It refers to the training program designed to raise missionaries who will be sent to cooperate with long-term missionaries for 1 to 2 years according to the ACTS20 Vision of Onnuri Church.
B. Training course for applicants for long-term missions
We call this specific course long-term missionary training, or Onnuri School of Mission (OSOM in short).
It refers to the training program designed to raise missionaries who will be sent on a longer term basis and equip them with comprehensive, holistic sense and ability of understanding foreign cultures based on God’s word according to the ACTS20 Vision of Onnuri Church.
C. Re-training course for long-term missionaries on sabbatical
We call this specific course home missionary training, or Home to Home (H2H in short).
It refers to the re-training program designed for missionaries who have served for 4 years or longer on the site after being sent as long-term missionaries by Onnuri Church.
D. Leadership training course for long-term missions
We call this specific course home missionary leadership training, or Home to Kingdom (H2K in short).
It refers to the leadership training program designed for missionaries who have served for 12 years or longer on the site after being sent as long-term missionaries by Onnuri Church.
Local leaders training
Care Center
Missions-related counseling
Debriefing on missions
Missions strategy research institute
Training Camp
SIAN CHAPL (worship for all nations)
24/7 SIAN HALL intercessory prayer meeting
Onnuri spirituality programs
Pastor Ha,
Yongjo Memorial Hall
Ha, Yongjo Memorial Hall
Martyrs Memorial Hall
Handong Global University
Established in 1995 with the vision of “Why not change the world?”,
Handong Global University raises leaders who are equipped with the wisdom of knowing what issues are to address, creativity of solving both local and global problems, loving and giving spirit of meeting the needs of others, and finally, who adhere to rock-solid Christian faith/ identity and boldly put the truth of God’s Word into daily practice and challenge for it.
More importantly, our focus is brought to fostering global leaders who will change the world, thus, we pursue academic excellence based on Christian faith and holistic education.
Core Values
Study To Give
Handong Global University is Handong God’s University that obeys God’s way and fosters God’s leaders.
Why not change the world?
Handong Concept of Talent
Handong's educational goal is defined as “Producing new leaders who transform the nation and the world through academic excellence, world citizenship, outstanding Christian values characterized by a spirit of sacrifice, honesty, and service”. These educational goals are encapsulated in the ‘工’ shaped character which highlights academic, global, and creative competence and upright character/sense of values.
Features of Handong Talent & 5 Core Competences
Display Talent and
Convergence Talent
Creative and
Wise Talent
Problem Discovering and Solving Competence
Loving and
Honest Talent
Character and
Handong Global University’s 3 Visions
10 World Changing Projects
Handong Campus Developing & Giving Talent for Others
Handong People Who bear Fruits through Combining Upright Character and Spirituality
BEE Korea
BEE Korea is designed to help church leaders unable to leave their mission field for the purpose of receiving training at biblical education organizations such as seminaries. It travels and reaches out to those leaders the way mobile missions organizations do the work and provides bible school-style education system in remote mission fields.
Core Values of BEE
We train and teach people to teach others complying with God’s word and help them grow into quality disciples of Jesus as the Bible says, “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2).”
Ministry Strategy
We let local people take the lead.
We work in the very church premises as our mission field.
We serve as an interdenominational ministry.
We foster leadership.
We care for growth.
We make disciples through spiritual reproduction.
We go where there’s a need for missions. We center our ministry on the regions where there’s a strong need for trained, quality church leaders, including Islamic/Buddhist/Hindu/Communist zones, which are off limits to traditional approach of missions.