Part 1
Establishment and Growth
In 1984, 12 households gathered together led by PastorYongjo Ha and started discipleship training at KoreanChristian Missionary Institute in Hannam-dong.
On October 6, 1985, 78 members gathered to giveworship celebrating church establishment (SeobinggoCampus).
On July 19, 1987, a worship service was held fordedication of the new church building.
The ministry of the Word became the focal point of thechurch activity by focusing on Quiet Time, one-to-onediscipleship and bible study.
14 different ministry committees were created and theworks of ministry became active.
Missionary support strengthened: 40 missionaryfamilies and 6 missionary organizations receivedsupport.

Eco-Friendly Design

Spiritual recharge was made possible through Jubilee Project Seminar, Worship Seminar and Family Living Seminar.
The Holy Spirit ministry launched including Pentecostal Conference for the Holy Spirit and conferences to raise awareness of spiritual warfare.
Holistic ministry became active through internal healing seminars and newlyweds school, for example.
We proclaimed and set out to carry out 2000/10000 Vision of sending 2,000 missionaries and raising up 10,000 lay leaders.
Building of World Mission Education Center (Education Hall) was completed and the worship service of building dedication took place.
We adopted 15 unreached tribes and conducted missions ministry.
Overseas outreach activities by young adults, college students, adults communities strengthened.
Acts29 Vision

Torch Center building in Yangjae-dong became open to worship services following explosive growth in number of the congregation.
We served domestic and overseas church leaderships through Onnuri Ministries Celebration (OMC), Onnuri Holy Spirit Celebration (OHSC) and Vision and Leadership Celebration (VLC).
We proclaimed Acts29 Vision aiming to reproduce (domestic campuses and overseas Vision churches).
Missions and Ministry organizations were founded including CGN satellite TV, Acts29 Vision Village, Onnuri M Center and A Better World.
Part 2
Establishment and Growth
Pastor Yongjo Ha passed on August 1, 2011.
Jaehoon Lee took office as new Senior Pastor on October 27, 2011.
Vision for the part 2 of Onnuri Church history was proclaimed: 3 Anchors and 5 Sails.
We bolstered social justice ministries as well as missions for migrants and refugees.
In 2018, we have achieved our target of sending out 2,000 missionaries cummulatively.
2011 "Lord, Teach Us to Pray"
2012 "Celebrating Together, Mourning Together"
2013 "Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness"
2014 "Grace and Truth"
2015 "Go Lower"
2016 "Christ through Me"
2017 "Return to God"
2018 "Christ in me, and I in Him"
2019 "Holy Spirit, Come Like a Rushing Wind"
2020 "Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart"
2021 "Let Us Hold Fast to the Gospel of Hope!"
2022 "Salt & Light of the World"
As of 2022, 11 domestic Onnuri Churches, 5 AMA Churches and 28 Vision Churches overseas are open.